
Showing posts from November, 2006

001 Friendship quotes from Sanskrit langauge

Sanskrit is a very Ancient Indo-European Prototype origin language. We can find close similarities between Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Old Prussian languages and Sanskrit, both in vocabulary and sentence structures. Sanskrit is a very rich Classical Language with hundreds of thousands of verses. Sanskrit also abounds in maxims, and proverbs. Here are some Sanskrit Proverbs and Sayings which are related to Friendships. SANSKRIT PROVERBS WITH ENGLISH TRANSLATION SANSKRIT SAYINGS ON FRIENDSHIP SANSKRIT VERSE ENGLISH Ati Sneehaha Paapa S`amkii. (From Abhignana Sakuntalam) Friendship beyond limits should be ominous of some guilt to take place ahead. aheetuhu pakshapaatoo yas tasya naasti pratikriya (From: Uttara Rama Caritra) A friendship which starts without specific purpose will not get broken. (This is because in a motivated friendship, one of the parties will lose interest if the desired result is not received). Upakaara phalam mitram, apakaaroo ari lakshan`am. (V